You're Ready to Buy The Box...
This is How It Works
You’ve figured out what volume you have, if you need a Judy, Norm, Sea Can or Pallet Service and since you are ready to get your move in motion, we’re ready to help you do that.
We’re going to need an email from you telling us what you need, where you are moving to and we’re going to give you a price to get it from your current driveway to a storage location or your new home somewhere else. See we can move you to OR from Canada.
We’re International Baby!
CONGRATULATIONS! You’re moving on to a new adventure and you have told us what date you need your BUY THE BOX. We’re going to put it at the end of your driveway* and you are going to load it. Just so you know, there are tight restrictions on the Sea Can and we don’t actually deliver pallets unless you really REALLY want us to. That’s another cost and well, a DIY move is all about saving the Moola but we will ensure you have all those details upfront.
Before you start loading your BUY THE BOX remember, we need a list* from you on what shit you’ve packed in there so, make sure you have written everything down as it goes in before you transfer that information into our inventory creator. Yeah we know, more work but Custom Officers require a typed out inventory. You’ll thank us later!

*Disclaimer (Said in that “Mom” voice that we all know)
- Please pack HOUSEHOLD GOODS only. If you’ve packed anything excessively heavy, like bricks, and it weighs over 1000kg, there will be additional charges. Shipping Line rules, not ours!
- No Liquids
- Sea Cans delivered on a chassis. No ramps, no straps, no blankets, no seal – DIY moving is bare bones so let’s talk about other options you may need.
- Don’t have a driveway? Let’s talk building access.
Shipping Insurance – We’ve got (2) types for you. Total Loss or your Valued Inventory (lump sum).
Just an FYI on your DIY, you can’t insure for packing damages so use LOTS of packing material.