It’s the way our Team makes a difference in people’s lives.
I’m not the only one in the company that believes in paying it forward but it just so happens to be my family that hits the Flynn International news this month.
Every July Randy and I, with the help of some very dear friends, host an event at our house just so we can have a big gathering of our closest friends and family.
It all started back in 2012 when we hosted a 50th birthday party at our small farm just outside of Milton, Ontario Canada. So many times we would see old friends at a car show or the Fall Fair and never have enough time to get caught up on our busy lives. Always we vowed to get together and then life got in the way and we wouldn’t see them again for years. So here we were gathering friends to our home and knowing if we wanted to see everyone at least once a year it would have to be us that host the party.
I’m not really sure why I felt the obligation but it struck me that if our friends and family were to go and enjoy a day out in the country they would most likely pay an entrance fee so why not have one in the form of a food donation. Even though all of our friends and family were contributing to the afternoon pot luck dinner I asked them to open their hearts a little more and bring some extra food in a non-perishable form.
Every year the volume increases as people generously stick to the list of most required items and also add in personal hygiene and toiletries. What made this year even more special, run by a lovely young girl named Amy, was a lemonade stand on-site for all of our thirsty guests. Amy loved hearing about the food donations and because she has been so successful in the past raising money through her delicious lemonade for other charities, she decided to set up right in the heart of the action. We are so very proud to also donate $108.50 to the Food Bank on Amy’s behalf.
Food Banks across Canada see significant drops in donations during the summer holidays as most people are on vacation and schools that often hold food drives are also on their summer breaks. It’s very easy to be generous during the holidays when we are constantly reminded to give but the people who need the food banks don’t stop eating just because the weather gets better. We just improved our local food bank by delivering 294 lbs of donated non-perishables.
Flynn International encourages all of our valued Suppliers, Partnered Agents and associates to pay it forward in anyway that your can and share your stories with us.